Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Since I became an artist, it has been a dream of mine to have a First Friday showing. For those of you who don't know, First Friday is held on the first Friday of every summer, spring and fall month. It's an art show, where various artists are given the opportunity to show their work in fancy restaurants and hoity toity locations around Anchorage. Maps of such locations are handed out on that Friday to the people coming to the shows.
A couple days ago, I was Google Image searching my name out of curiosity (and boredom). I stumbled across a link for Kinley's Restaurant in Anchorage, Alaska. I clicked the link and discovered their First Friday agenda, listing all of the shows from January to October. Down, at the very bottom of the list, booked for October 3rd was Gina Murrow.
A while ago, Kinley's original October artist had to drop out for personal reasons. I submitted an application along with some of my lesser work (because pictures of my better stuff was non-existent at this point). I never heard back from them. I assumed they filled the position and forgot to email me about it. It turns out, any acceptance emails they did send me got lost in transition. It's by the grace of God I discovered this schedule! For now, until October 3rd I'm going to be a painting machine. I'll be collecting a portfolio of my finest work to show at Kinley's. If you're going to be in Anchorage around that time, drop by and see me! just today I did the outline for a couple of sea otters and I've almost finished some very colorful starfish. I hope this right set of circumstances will help spread the word about my website and all of my products.

Have a colorful week!
Gina Murrow